Stealing from her sister...
Another medical office embezzlement but this one is a family affair. Older sister who is a well paid ($110k per year) office manager stole from her younger sister’s medical practice. Can you imagine the Thanksgiving dinner they had? Well it probably didn’t happen. Reading the story is like a soap opera. At this point therapy may not help. According to the affidavit:
“Additionally, airplane flights and in-flight charges were purchased using the card, along with lengthy expensive hotel stays and various vacation charges,…Also noted were charges for plastic surgery and cosmetics.“Lastly, many personal charges (were made), such as car repair, car registration, gas, music, horse boarding, various saddles and accessories for horses and other pets and miscellaneous grocery shopping, etc.”
Then in 2014 she came down with an eating disorder and other health issues that prompted her to begin “binge shopping,” according to the affidavit.
In addition, one of her daughters began “doing really well with horse riding,” so she began paying for those expenses with clinic credit cards.
For everyone who follows me on Twitter or has seen my presentation you know #horsesareaclue. They are expensive and a pink flag.
By summer 2016, Shannon Nagle said “she had ‘all sorts of justifications’ for what she was doing and was ‘angry and in denial which was a bad combo,'” the affidavit states.
“She felt unappreciated at work, wasn’t getting raises while other employees were and felt that (Melinda) Nagle and (her business partner) believed she wasn’t worth her salary,” according to Fain’s affidavit.
Those rationalizations are never a reason to steal but businesses need to understand that everyone rationalizes and opportunity is the only part of the #fraudtriangle you can control.
The takeaway from this sad story is that trust but verify even if they are a family member. I trust my sister with my life but not every family is that lucky.